Podcamp Philly Schedule
(8 AM Sponsors with tables should meet organizers in Pearlstein lobby)
8:30 AM Registration opens
Free Coffee at Starbucks starts after you’re signed in, Sponsored by Comcast Interactive.
9:30 AM UnKeynote/Welcome Nesbitt Auditorium
10AM Sessions start
Pearlstein 101 ADM- The new Association for Downloadable Media
Matt Snodgrass, VP Digital Media, Porter Novelli
Find out about this important new industry association, how it will benefit you, and why you should join.
Pearlstein 102 Introduction to Podcasting -- How podcasts, videocasts, and other content are created and delivered.
Jen Yuan, InTheNo: The 1000 Times No Podcast
What makes a podcast a podcast?
How is podcasting like, or unlike, content from blogs, vlogs, streaming audio/video, radio, or television?
What is RSS, and how is it involved in "subscribing" to shows?
Haven't created a podcast yet? This talk is for you.
Korman A Thinking Like a Producer: What we've learned so far making MarylandZoo.TV.
Joel Mark Witt - Producer of Folk Media.org and Maryland Zoo TV
As a new media producer - you have to think of every detail.
What are some keys to thinking like a producer?
Come and see some of the things we've learned by making MarylandZoo.TV
We will talk about video formats - music - "cinematic moments" - audio - and promotion ideas
Korman B Second Life Workshop
Lynette Young, Purple Stripe Productions; Jean Claude Bradley, Drexel University
Teaching you what you need to know about Second Life in regards to new media/podcasting,
and why schools like Drexel are creating their own islands in this virtual world.
Korman C Parenting and Podcasting
Whitney Hoffman, LDPodcast, moderator
A discussion of the unique characteristics of podcasts aimed at family and child-related issues
Korman D Open
Mentor Room Ad-hoc Discussions
Meet the staff of the Redlasso team for open discussions about syndicating broadcast media. The Mentor Room is located in Korman.
11AM Sessions Continue
Pearlstein 101 The Transparency Manifesto Interactive Workshop
John Havens , VP, Business Development, BlogTalk Radio/Lead Organizer for PodCampNYC/About.com Guide to Podcasting
After a brief presentation on the nature of online transparency, John C. will work with participants to come up with rules and examples of how to incorporate an effective and honest transparency campaign
Pearlstein 102 Your Podcast Statistics
Rob Safuto- RawVoice, New York Minute Show
Let's talk about tools and techniques that you can use to get a handle on the size and general makeup of your audience.
Korman A Editing Techniques and Decisions
Mark Blevis, Producer of Electric Sky, Canadian Podcast Buffet and Just One More Book Podcasts
Practical examples and live demonstrations of five audio editing techniques and discussions on how to apply them.
Korman B Social Networking 101
Chris Penn, Podcamp Co-Founder, Podcamp Foundation, Producer- Financial Aid Podcast
Which social network is right for you? The answer isn't just the fad of the day.
Korman C Podcasting in K-12 Classrooms
Robert Karl, Loretta Burton, Dora DeLeon, Carol Heinsdorf, Mark Perlman, Robert Rivera-Amezola, Rita Sorrentino, Anne Tenaglia
Panel Discussion - Participants are educators from the School District of Philadelphia, who have produced podcasts with students.
Learn from the experts and hear about their experiences with the process. SDP podcasts can be accessed at: http://podcast.phila.k12.pa.us
Korman D Open
Mentor Room Ad-hoc Discussions
Meet the staff of the Redlasso team for open discussions about syndicating broadcast media. The Mentor Room is located in Korman.
12- 1 pm Lunch
Student Loan Network sponsor table: If you are a podsafe musician, you are more than welcome to sell your CDs and other merch at the SLN table, and are encouraged to bring a guitar or other suitably portable performance equipment if you want to play something fun. Be sure to visit other sponsors' tables as well!
1PM Sessions resume
Pearlstein 101 Old Media, Meet New Media Part 1 (Part 2 presented on Sunday, Sept. 9)
Quincy McDonald- The McGraw Hill Companies
These sessions will walk you through the basics of how publishing works, and how to effectively compete for opportunities in the industry.
This will include an array of topics, including: developing a successful proposal, networking effectively, choosing the right publisher,
and how to work with publishers in order to help your product succeed.The first session focuses on opportunities as an author of a print or new media product.
Pearlstein 102 Working with Major Corporate Sponsors
Dina Kaplan, Co-Founder, blip.tv; Gretchen Vogelzang, Producer, Mommycast
Mommycast.com was the first podcast to obtain a major corporate sponsor (Dixie) for their show
Blip.tv has helped connect talents like the show's Ze Frank with Fortune 500 sponsorship
Learn about Podcaster-Sponsor relationships and how to make the most of them for your new media project
Korman A What do all those knobs do?
Rand Bradbury- BestDamnTech.com and RoadieShow.com
Basic guidelines for audio recording: Mixers, microphones, audio settings., etc.
Korman B Mini-CreativeCamp and Job Searching in the new media space
MaryHelen Votral-CM Access
MaryHelen wants to talk to designers, marketers, and communicators about how podcasting and other advances in technology
have been, or should be, transforming the creative industries and the job search process.
Korman C Universal Search, Podcasts & Video
Liana "Li" Evans, Key Relevance & Search Marketing Gurus
Lets talk about how to optimize podcasts and videocasts for Google's Universal Search, Yahoo's Blended Search and Ask's 3d Search.
There's a lot of new changes that have happened in recent months, and a lot of new outlets to optimize your podcasts and videocasts for.
Korman D Open
Introducing Redlasso!
Mentor Room Jim McCusker- CTO & Co-Founder
Jim will provide an informal, thoughtful, entertaining "how to" session for podcasters and bloggers. He'll illustrate how they can utilize Redlasso's unique broadcast search engine platform to enhance, shape and potentially monetize their sites. The session is of value to all attendees, especially those with an interest in generating income for their efforts.
2pm Sessions continue
Pearlstein 101 Videoblogging from Baghdad to Mexico City
Brian Conley and Steve Wyshywaniuk, 'Change the World, Change WebVideo Content' - Small World News
Brian and Steve, in collaboration with Iraqi correspondents, have been producing a weekly show from Baghdad for one year.
Now they are producing a similar project from Mexico City. Come hear how they do it, and how you can produce interesting and relevant video news too!
Check out [http://www.AliveInBaghdad.org|Alive in Baghdad] and [http://www.AliveInMexico.org|Alive in Mexico] if you haven't seen their work before.
Pearlstein 102 High Impact New Media
Mark Blevis, C. C. Chapman and Linda Mills
Mistakes to avoid and ideas to consider when incorporating new media as part of a PR and marketing strategy for businesses, organizations, events, music and even personal projects.
Korman A Help...I hate the sound of my voice
Rick Glasby http://www.crashbangdigital.com
Tips and one-on-one coaching for improving your vocal quality including how to address the microphone ("Sir" is good).
Korman B Marketing for musicians and content salespeople
Chris Penn, Podcamp Co-Founder, Podcamp Foundation, Producer- Financial Aid Podcast
How to get started marketing and selling your stuff using Web 1.0, new media, and the power of your friends.
Korman C Yay Team!
Drew Olanoff
How to build a dream team around your passion. It'll save your life. And your passion.
Korman D Making Compelling Live Web Video Programming
Kathryn Velvel Jones
Jonny Goldstein
Why produce live web video? What are the creative challenges and opportunities? What technologies are available? Let's share experience, examples, and ideas.
Ad-hoc Discussions
Mentor Room
Meet the staff of the Redlasso team for open discussions about syndicating broadcast media. The Mentor Room is located in Korman.
3pm Sessions Continue
Pearlstein 101 Panel Discussion- Associations for Podcasters, Issues and Interests
As podcasting continues to evolve and grow, its interests will grow in kind. One way to foster an industry's growth is with an industry association.
Is one association enough? Please join members of the Association for Downloadable Media (ADM) and others in a lively open discussion
of the growth of the industry and its commercialization. Be sure to attend this session of organizations that you can join to help shape the podcasting industry.
Pearlstein 102 Search Engine Optimization
Rick Simmons, Dinkum Interactive
Search Engine Optimization: Make Your Website #1
Korman A Introduction to Video Production Fundamentals
David Tames, Filmmaker and Media Technologist
The basic elements of good audio and video production will be presented in a highly interactive format with demonstration, questions, and answers.
Emphasis will be on getting good results from inexpensive gear.
Korman A Developing Your Elevator Pitch: A Workshop-style Session
Joel Mark Witt, Producer of Folk Media.org and Maryland Zoo TV
As a podcaster - blogger - or new media creator - how do you tell other people what it is you do?
We'll cover the art of giving an elevator pitch simply and clearly.
Don't know what an elevator pitch is? Then this session is definitely for you.
Don't know what an elevator is? Well - no help here.
Come prepared to actually practice giving your own elevator pitch.
Korman C Podcasting 101: Using GarageBand for Basic Podcasting
Mike Wolk, Senior Systems Engineer, Apple Inc.
An intro to GarageBand, the audio editing software that ships with every Macintosh as part of the iLife bundle. Got a Mac? Get started with producing your own audio now.
Korman D Live podcast show recording
BUCKET w/ Jen and Corey (BUCKET home page, RSS)
Live edition with dramatic Twitter readings, Jen's Potty Mouth, Corey's Sports Corner, Primate Update and more.
Ad-hoc Discussions
Mentor Room
Meet the staff of the Redlasso team for open discussions about syndicating broadcast media. The Mentor Room is located in Korman.
4 pm Meet back in Nesbitt Auditorium for Prize drawings, information of evening events
5pm Rocky Run up Philadelphia Art Museum Steps to benefit Children's Hospital
7pm Podcamp’s First Birthday Party! Triumph Brewery - Come join the fun!
10pm PodCamp Philly After Party @ Strikes (4040 Locust street)
Bowling, Pool, Darts, Foosball and Booze!
Party with the Cast and Crew of the Best Damn Tech Show, Period.
(8 Blocks away from Drexel University.)
Sunday Schedule
8:30 AM Registration/Check-in opens in the Pearlstein Lobby
Note: Drexel Starbucks will be closed on Sunday. The Penn Starbucks is located 3 blocks away at 34th and Walnut Streets.
9:30 AM Day 2 Welcome, Nesbitt Auditorium
10AM Sessions start
Pearlstein 101 Business Podcasting: Building community and boosting profits (A Panel discussion)
This session will focus on examples of how businesses have extended the benefits of blogs, podcasts, RSS and wikis across their community of customers, clients, partners and employees. Corporate podcasting is about a low cost method of:
* Creating dialogue with your customers
* Engaging with employees
* Boosting bottom line profitability
Moderator - Lisa B. Marshall, small business owner, www.lisabmarshall.com
Panelist 1 - Joel Mark Witt, producer of FolkMedia.org and MarylandZoo.TV
Panelist 2 - Christopher Penn, Financial Aid Podcast and the Student Loan Network
Panelist 3 - Paul Kontonis, CEO and Founder of For Your Imagination
Panelist 4 - Bill Roswell, Director of Digital News Media for KYW Newsradio
Panelist 5 - Steve Lubetkin, Managing Partner, Professional Podcasts, LLC (via Skype video)
Each panelist will discuss how they are implementing podcasting/blogging and will share 3 lessons learned from their experience. The first 5 audience members to pose questions to the panel will each receive a free t-shirt, courtesy of For Your Imagination. Wish the session were longer and want to learn more?
Pearlstein 102 Podcasting Tips and Tricks with GarageBand
Mike Wolk, Senior Systems Engineer, Apple Inc.
An advanced session on how to optimize your podcast producing experience with Apple's GarageBand software, including demonstrations of new features in the recent iLife '08 release.
Korman A Low-budget interview lighting with professional results
David Tames, Filmmaker and Media Technologist
A demonstration of classic three-point lighting and discussion of several low-budget approaches to good interview lighting. Includes an overview of popular lighting kits and suggestions for putting together your own custom kit based on your specific needs. (Handout)
Korman B Greater Than the Sum of its Parts
Mark Blevis
Using examples of three elements that help to develop communities, I will present an understanding of Return on Influence that can be applied in both grassroots and business settings.
Korman C Coworking: if you can work from anywhere, you should probably think about working from a place like this Alex Hillman, fearless leader behind Philly's first coworking community and space, Independents Hall.
An introduction on the coworking concept on both a local and large scale, and lead discussion on creative collaboration and the value of being in meatspace with other creatives
Korman D Open
Ad-hoc Discussions
Mentor Room
Meet the staff of the Redlasso team for open discussions about syndicating broadcast media. The Mentor Room is located in Korman.
11 AM
Pearlstein 101 Video and Open Discussion: Net Neutrality
Come learn about one of the fundamental principles of how the Internet is organized, how and why it is under threat, and what you can do to help ensure its protection in the future.
Pearlstein 102 Social Networking. It's a lifestyle.
Drew Olanoff
Social Networking 102, 103, and beyond. It's not just for marketing. The Facebooks, The Twitter, The Myspace, the blogs, how does it all fit together? Let's talk SocNet.
Korman A Pro video results on a low budget
David Tames, Filmmaker and Media Technologist
Go beyond the basics of audio and video shooting and learn practical tricks and techniques that make it easy to achieve professional results with your videoblog on a shoestring budget in this highly interactive session driven by participant's questions. (assumes some knowledge of basic video production techniques, but everyone is welcome)
Korman B Podcasting for Fandom
Alan Chaess
What's the long-tail for a fandom? and can fandom themed podcasts extend life in the interest? Learn some tips and tricks on how best to cultivate interaction and community for your podcast in regards to fandom focuses. Listen to some insight on how this subject matter can differentiate itself from the commericial message.
Korman C Panel Discussion: Podcasting in K-12 Classrooms
Participants are educators from the School District of Philadelphia, who have produced podcasts with students. Learn from the experts and hear about their experiences with the process. SDP podcasts can be accessed at: http://podcast.phila.k12.pa.us
Korman D Open
Introducing Redlasso!
Mentor Room Jim McCusker- CTO & Co-Founder
Jim will provide an informal, thoughtful, entertaining "how to" session for podcasters and bloggers. He'll illustrate how they can utilize Redlasso's unique broadcast search engine platform to enhance, shape and potentially monetize their sites. The session is of value to all attendees, especially those with an interest in generating income for their efforts.
12 pm- 1 pm Lunch
1pm Sessions Continue
Pearlstein 101 Old Media, Meet New Media; Part 2 (Part 1 takes place on Saturday)
Quincy McDonald, The McGraw-Hill Companies; C.C. Chapman, Crayon
These sessions will walk you through the basics of how publishing works, and how to effectively compete for opportunities in the industry. This will include an array of topics, including: developing a successful proposal, networking effectively, choosing the right publisher, and how to work with publishers in order to help your product succeed. The second session focuses on work as a vendor for publishing companies (for new media development, viral marketing, and work on ancillaries).
Pearlstein 102 Marketing Your Stuff
Chris Penn, Podcamp Co-Founder, Podcamp Foundation, Producer- Financial Aid Podcast
Want to build audience? 5 Strategies to build audience: multiplier, 1 degree/FOAF, prediction, Google, 1 click
Steve Garfield
Participate in a social media art experiment. We'll create and post videos that will end up as part of a performance piece at Axiom Gallery in Boston. Read this blog post to see what The Book of Enemy: A Blog-Novel is about.
Korman B People - the magic ingredient of all podcasts
Mark Blevis, Andy Bilodeau
If it's not fun, it's really not worth doing - whether as a hobby or for financial gain. In this interactive session we'll talk about proven ways to have fun podcasting, achieve rewarding results and avoid burnout - drawing on the experience of newcomers, podcasting veterans of over two-and-a-half years, and podcast consultants/producers.
Korman C Portable Podcasting: Why Don't We Do It On the Road?
Jen Yuan from InTheNo: The 1000 Times No Podcast
A case study in how to get podcasting out of your basement and away to new and different locales. Tips on portable audio equipment, on-site interviews, managing your laptop, and more..
Korman D Open
Ad-hoc Discussions
Mentor Room
Meet the staff of the Redlasso team for open discussions about syndicating broadcast media. The Mentor Room is located in Korman.
2pm Sessions continue
Pearlstein 101 Best Damn Tech Show: Live taping
Pearlstein 102 Half-Baked.com: Entrepreneurial Improv Theatre!
Eric Skiff Glitchnyc.com, clipmarks.com
Teams of 5 compete to come up with the best business plan (product, logo, marketing plan, revenue model, tagline) using a randomly chosen company name. Each team has 15 minutes, a panel of judges provide feedback. We played this at PodCamp NYC and it was a awesome. (Idea stolen from the amazing Half Baked dot com session at BarCamp NYCII)
Korman A Editing Techniques and Decisions - ENCORE PRESENTATION
Mark Blevis, Producer of Electric Sky, Canadian Podcast Buffet and Just One More Book Podcasts
Practical examples and live demonstrations of five audio editing techniques and discussions on how to apply them.
Korman B Open
Korman C Open
Korman D Open
Ad-hoc Discussions
Mentor Room
Meet the staff of the Redlasso team for open discussions about syndicating broadcast media. The Mentor Room is located in Korman.
3pm Thank You and Wrap Up Session- Nesbitt Audtiorium
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