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on June 8, 2008 at 12:20:26 pm

Join us on

September 6th and 7th at

for Podcamp Philly 2008!

Registration is now open.

Go to Podcamp Philly 2008 Registration to register now.

Sharing information and building community.



Got media? Tag it podcampphilly so it can be found!







Podcamp Philly Flickr Photo Pool




FolkMedia: Business Podcasting Panel - Sunday Morning 10:00am session

Todd Marrone

The Book of Enemy

Philadelphia Train System: Worse Than Boston

Registration - Day 1


Christopher Penn - 3 short clips of PodCamp Philly

The Great Cheesesteak Debate

Joel Mark Witt interviews Steve Garfield at Podcamp Philadelphia 2007

Vlog Soup - Kathryn Jones and Synchronis.tv


    • Session Videos:


Drexel Videos of Selected Sessions




Interview Lighting: Professional Results on a Tight Budget


Session Audio:


Podcast Statistics Discussion - moderated by Rob Safuto





Look here for the Podcamp Philly Schedule with Sessions and Events

--it will be hard to decide which to attend!


Oh and it's not too late to add YOUR session.


Do you create, enjoy or are interested in learning more about the following: blogs, vlogs, audio podcasts, web video, content networks and new media monetization... Then

This unconference is for YOU!


Become a sponsor and reap the rewards, give a presentation and share information, or just attend and learn.



Read the top ten reasons why YOU should attend!

http://www.drexel.edu/univrel/commencement/2006/parking.asp&h=500&w=575&sz=92&tbnid=sN7iFH31IocOuM:&tbnh=117&tbnw=134&prev=/images%3Fq%3Ddrexel%2Bcampus%2Bmap%26um%3D1&start=1&ei=ip_QRp_lOKG0eq-XlJYJ&sig2=TFO-guE3d1l8iNrMHjnWDw&sa=X&oi=images&ct=image&cd=1">Click here for Direction To Drexel University




What is PodCamp Philly 2007?


The Power of Unconference:


The power of an UnConference is you get FREE access to ideas, thoughts, best practices, and the true "wisdom of crowds" simply by registering and attending. An UnConference brings people with many different skill set together with the spirit of sharing and learning. We're audio and video podcasters, enthusiasts, businesspeople, hobbyists, musicians, promoters, marketers, and people who generally want to understand more about the new media space. We would like everyone to participate in some form or another and learn.


We urge you to consider signing up to give a brief talk about your experience with podcasts (viewing/listening), or a session if you've got enough material to share with others. The sessions are held in the format of a conversation with the people in the room participating.


Really shy or too new to the space? Join an informal round table talk, let others join you and ignite the conversations or participate in Podcasting demos and actual live podcasts as well!


For more information, or to see how it all started, and is now expanding around the globe PodCamp Around the World ---




September 7th, 8th & 9th, 2007




Friday Night - 7pm-10pm / Welcome social and pre-conference workshop, P'unk Avenue, 1168 E. Passyunk Avenue, in the Heart of South Philly, just steps away from the home(s) of the famous philly cheesesteak: Pat's and Geno's. Thanks to Geoff DiMasi

and everyone at P'unk Avenue for sponsoring this venue.


Saturday Sessions - 10am-4:30pm



Please Visit our Sponsors


Philly Podcamp Rocky Run to Benefit Children's Hospital of Philadelphia - 5pm Saturday September 8th - Read More


Listen to sponsor podcasts!

Podcast blog: http://podcampphillypodcasts.blogspot.com

Podcast RSS Feed: feeds.feedburner.com/PodCampPhillyPodcasts



LibSyn/Wizzard Media


Get your own free digital subscription at www.bloggerandpodcaster.com/subscribe.php

Click Here to launch the interactive digital edition now.

Print & podcast editions available at www.BloggerAndPodcaster.com


John Wall- The M Show, Marketing over Coffee



Saturday Night - 6pm-? /Social activities around the city



Sunday Sessions - 10am-3pm


Where? - Drexel University

Podcamp Philly Registration will be :



LeBow College of Business

Pearlstein Hall, 3232 Market Street

Philadelphia, PA 19104




Register? - Free, but you need to register!

UNconferences are FREE to attend for the community, but we'll need your contact information for planning of t-shirts, food, space, etc. Resources are limited. First registered, first served.


REGISTER: Click here to go to the Registration page


You do NOT need to be a podcaster or video blogger to attend. Whether you are a podcaster, videocaster or blogger, if you're looking to get and share ideas for your own show, you are welcome to join in. Just be sure to register so we know that you're coming, so we can make the necessary arrangements and send you event-related communication.


Who Should Attend??


Are you part of a corporation wondering how new media can be used as an internal tool and or as external marketing? Are you a venture group thinking about whether to invest in this new media space? Are you an individual, school, or library wondering how to incorporate podcasting into projects and community events? Are you interested in citizen journalism? Do you want to know more about new media monetization?


Podcamp is for people interested in all aspects of new media. Bloggers, Podcasters, Video Bloggers (Vloggers), and those interested in using these new media tools are the people the conference serves best. If you're interested in doing something with new media, you'll want to attend.


Come to Podcamp Philly! Share information. Build community. Register now!



If I'm coming from out of town, where should I stay? Click here!




Click for directions and public transportation information


Sponsors NEEDED!


If you're a business and are interested in being known as a supporter of new media and technology, please consider sponsoring in one of the many ways we make available to you to show your support. You'll get premium new media visibility, and the community will thank you.


You can read more about it at our Sponsors page.


Got Questions? Email Whitney at LDpodcast( a )gmail.com


or Call (302) 562-6507

Donate and Contribute


Donors and Contributors:

Don't have big bucks but want to support the community? Every little bit helps. Go to the Donors and Contributors page to contribute. We need your contributions and donations to make PodCamp Philly 2007 a success.


Please choose from different contribution levels and choose the amount which is in your comfort zone.

Go to the Donor page  to contribute



Volunteers and Logistics


We need you to help with logistics on the day of the event and pre-planning sessions.


Go to the Volunteer page to sing up as a volunteer.


The plan behind UnConferences like a PodCamp Philly is that everyone comes together and contributes in some form or another. Up front, it is critical to find sponsors, but the success of each UnConference is the collaborative fruit of the entire community.




Promote, Evangelize - It's Your Show


SPREAD THE WORD: If you've already signed up, thanks! Please help spread publicity and get the word out. This is a major event you DON'T want to miss, and we imagine many of your friends won't want to miss it, either. We're hoping you all can actively participate and have great experience.


Make sure you add your self to the Promoters page...so you get yourself some of that brotherly link love! mj Sohbet Sohpet Chat nick desing derman




Add top ten reasons to your blog!


Legal - Must read this important information

PodCamp Waiver Form




1. You waive the right to sue PodCamp Philly, its organizers, participants, agents, proxies, and representatives for any reason.

2. You agree that any and all content created will be irrevocably licensed under the Creative Commons By Attribution Share Alike license.

3. You agree not to use or derive anyone else's content which you do not have permission or rights to use.


Attending PodCamp constitutes full acceptance of these terms.



Media Inquires


For media inquiries, please contact us


email: podcampp(at)gmail(dot)com.

Call: 302-562-6507 or 610-388-3747



Skype: whitney.hoffman




Are you going to be Promoting, Blogging, Podcasting, Video Casting, taking Pictures or documenting the event in any other format? Use 'PodCampPhilly' and 'PodCampPhilly2007' as your tags.



Philly Area Podcasters


Consider joining our google group to keep in contact with other area podcasters before, during and after Podcamp Philly! The Google group has open registration and is called Philly Area Podcasters




Have Questions?**


Follow Podcamp Philly on Qwizzy and ask away!

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